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Thread: privacy

  1. #1
    beingwatchednow Guest

    Question privacy

    Ok here is my question and I hope someone can help me out. There is a local anonymous political message ***rd that has become a very active ***rd in my area due to some touchy political issues. There have been some very derrogatory things posted. I myself have posted on this site but only factual and accurate information. I add a little parody from time to time but what the heck...In any event I suspected that the sight was being monitored because suddenly one "side" seemed to stop posting. I posted a message that said "I think something is up with this site be careful what you say"...people balked but that night I recieved an email with an attached screen saver. The email said "SOMETHING IS UP FOOL" I scanned the attachement and opened it. It gave a download option which I tried but nothing happened. I destryoed it using a wiping tool...when I tried to respond to the message the mail was returned invalid. The problem is I never, ever used my email address on this site and no one their knows my private email address. How can someone locate your private email from supposed anonymous posting on the message ***rd? I contacted the forum administrator who denied giving any such information.I then contacted my ISP provider who informed me that no court orders had been issued on my IP numbers. SO WHO THE HELL CAN FIND ME AND HOW THE HELL DO I FIND THEM?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2001

    some body who knows its you and some body who knows your e-mail id or managed finding ur e-mail id,when he came to know that the poster is you.this seems to be the most likely explanation.
    Dont ever open attachments frrm ppl who u dont know.they may have trojans and viruses.I think you might like to the get latest virus scanner and check for backdoors installed on your system.Also try install a freeware firewall called "zonealarm".
    hope this helps.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Wink Privacy

    Depends also on the ***rd and who runs it, did you have to give your email to activate being honest though methinks it may be a prankster whom you know.

    Just a guess.

    Remember, just because you're paranoid doesnt mean they're not out to get ya.
    Wingate VPN users self help

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    "attached screen saver"

    It was a virus or a Trojan, totally random.

    Look at the email header and find the origin, email the ISP and say they sent you a virus and that violates thier AUP.

    Keep in mind this is most likely just an infected PC.
    If it's not hard it's not worth doing...

  5. #5
    Unregistered Guest
    Hi. I hope you don't mind but I fumbled around and came up with this [url]http://pub*46.ez***rd.com/flipoliticsmessage***rdforumsfrm*[/url]

    Pretty nasty place. I can see why some would enjoy languishing there.

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