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Thread: ip address

  1. #16
    Unregistered Guest

    Re: ip address change

    I forgot to tell yall guys something... if you are using a router and a firewall at the sametime, you have a lower chance of someone logging your IP. But this only works on some communications. High technology applications sometimes cannot find your IP Address but if a web****** uses a simple tool like a counter to check a list of all the visiters of their site they are given the time, date, and IP address of each visiter.

  2. #17
    Unregistered Guest

    Re: ip address from opening email

    Originally posted by Unregistered
    If someone sends you an email (a normal email not one with any virus), when you open it can they see your ip address from where you are opening it?
    Also is there a way to block your ip address when on yahoo mess. with someone else.

    Thanks for any info!!
    If you get an HTML formatted email it can contain images, and those images can be fetched from a webserver when you open the email.
    When your email program makes the request to get the image then the webserver can log your IP address. If you are using proxies or the other anonymizing methods mentioned by others then your IP address will be safe.

    However, those images, when they come in a spam email, usually have unique numbers that will identify not your IP but your email address - confirming that the email sent from SpammerX to [email]you@yourplace.com[/email] got to you and that you opened it! Now you get more spam.

    I always set my email program to not show images because of this. If I get an image I trust I can always open it later. If your email program won't let you do this get rid of it and get another program. If you're using Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express dump it immediately - it's the most insecure P.O.S. on the planet. Get Thunderbird [url]http://www.mozilla.org/products/thunderbird/[/url] or something else - anything but outlook.
    - Stephen

  3. #18
    Unregistered Guest
    You're right Ru|er, these little kiddies really do not know the true meaning of "hacking" another.

    A software firewall will help in most cases, however, if someone is trying to access your PC and they know a little more than the standard kiddie script hacker, when fighting the software firewall they are ALREADY IN YOUR PC.

    Use a hardware firewall as well as a software fireall and this will stop "most" of the "big boys" (not all though).

    Also note that the more firewalls you use the safer you are. The bull shit about more than one firewall leaves you open is only true if you do not how to configure them.

    The more layers of protection, the harder it is to hack.

  4. #19
    Unregistered Guest
    Another thing....

    One BIG issue these kiddies forget, is what I like to call:

    The law of physical presence will always prevail

    Meaning that an intruder is always sitting at a computer somewhere doing their dirty work. As much as they "think" they can hide behind anonymous proxies or divert the attacking IP, their physical presence on that computer cannot be hidden (thank you electrons!).

    This is why most "hackers" caught are little children who don't know that if they attack, no matter how good they are, they will always be traced back to that little hole they're trying to intrude from.

    If *28 bit is so secure, why has 256 bit been invented and when will 5*2 or *024 bit security be in place?

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    If *28 bit is so secure, why has 256 bit been invented and when will 5*2 or *024 bit security be in place?
    Why would you trust a "Generally Used" Encryption System in the first place. Smart People will write their own encryption programs that will be double Encrypted. First Serverside encryption w/ 256 bit encryption, then incase of a hacker getting a hold of your data he will not know what he found. Just more encryption...
    [url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/services.php]Speed Up Windows XP[/url]
    [url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/ip.php]Get An Ip Address[/url]
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    [URL=http://www.boninroad.com/syntax******/]Old Site[/URL]
    [URL=http://www.syntax******.info]Comming Soon[/URL]

  6. #21
    Unregistered Guest


    How do I block someone from viewing my website using their IP address?? ( I really really hate this person and want them to die but that's a different story)

  7. #22
    Unregistered Guest

    Can someone on a forum get your personal info?

    I was if someone uses an internet forum, can another person on that forum find out about that someone's IP address and other personal information? Does firewall help in preventing it, or there is really no way to prevent it? Thank you so much for your time

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    If you have a firewall installed, can a person ***** your ip address and if so what kind of information can they get from it?

    The purpose of installing firewall is to prevent the access of some particular sites. But it won't prevent the visitors to ***** your IP address. Even if they ***** it they will know only the details about your IP address like IP location, ISP address, country, latitude and longitude. They cannot find your name or home address using your IP address. To know the details about a particular IP address visit the site Ip-Details.com .

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