You can find someone's IP using IRC if you write: "/dns nickname". It's not that hard,is it?
You can find someone's IP using IRC if you write: "/dns nickname". It's not that hard,is it?
yea can u mail it to me to plzz [email]nismo_gt*[/email]Originally Posted by Unregistered
hey can u send me the program to plzz thxOriginally Posted by SyntaX******
P.S ur alot of help man thx
can u send me the program plz [email]Nismo_gt*[/email]Originally Posted by SyntaX******
I will post the scripts here when i get home tonight. It is a very simple script but it can be fun to use.
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[url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/ip.php]Get An Ip Address[/url]
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i've read through this entire thread, and i have 2 questions.
*. where do you put "/dns nickname"?
2. maybe you can help me - i'm having problems making AIM direct connect. It doesnt connect, and i think this is a problem with a port not being opened up. I'm using XP SP2.
if you have any answers/s***estions, PLEEEASE email me at [email]Pilotwings***[/email] . THANK YOU!
These guys get your IP soon as you log in.
If you go in and find it's got some people in one night, you'll find some dickhead very soon starts saying things about you that they couldn't know except by knowing your IP address and also knowing the surfing history on your PC by the script they run.
Dunno if what they do there is illegal, but it damn well should be.
Why Yes Im Sexy Do Me Dom Me
I'm posting the scripts here because of the large number of emails ive been recieving asking for them. If you would like me to write something for you guys just name the prog language you need it in and ill throw something together. Can i ask you guys a favor also. I would like you to comment on my two websites that i have out there on the www~ [url][/url] and [url][/url] ~ Enjoy
First Save This As Netview.bat
Next Save This as Search.batCode:echo off prompt ~ IF NOT EXIST mkdir c:\a\ IF EXIST c:\a\ del /q c:\a\* cls echo. echo. echo. echo TYPE THE IP ADRESS IN THE FORM (w.x.y.z) echo. echo. echo w= set /p w= echo x= set /p x= echo y= set /p y= echo z= set /p z= set count=0 :*0 set ipadd=%w%.%x%.%y%.%z% cls echo %ipadd% REM --------- CHECKING IP TO SEE IF ONLINE ping -n * -l *0 -f -w * %w%.%x%.%y%.%z% >> c:\ping5.txt findstr "Reply" c:\ping5.txt If %errorlevel% EQU 0 GOTO :NETVIEW del c:\ping5.txt :IPCOUNTER set /a count=%count%+* If %w% EQU 255 If %x% EQU 255 If %y% EQU 255 If %z% EQU 255 (cls && echo The number of combinations is %count%) If %x% EQU 255 If %y% EQU 255 If %z% EQU 255 (Set /a w=%w%+* && Set x=0 && Set y=0 && Set z=0 && goto :*0) If %y% EQU 255 If %z% EQU 255 (Set /a x=%x%+* && Set y=0 && Set z=0 && goto :*0) If %z% EQU 255 (Set /a y=%y%+* && Set z=0 && goto :*0) set /a z=%z%+* GOTO :*0 :NETVIEW del c:\ping5.txt echo ^e^cho off >> c:\a\view%w%.%x%.%y%.%z%.bat echo net view \\%w%.%x%.%y%.%z% ^>^> c:\a\view%w%.%x%.%y%.%z%.txt >> c:\a\view%w%.%x%.%y%.%z%.bat echo exit >> c:\a\view%w%.%x%.%y%.%z%.bat start c:\a\view%w%.%x%.%y%.%z%.bat GOTO :IPCOUNTER
To Use The Windows Batch Scripts:Code:echo off prompt ~ cls echo. echo. echo. echo TYPE THE STARTING IP ADRESS IN THE FORM (w.x.y.z) echo. echo. echo w= set /p w= echo x= set /p x= echo y= set /p y= echo z= set /p z= set count=0 :*0 echo c:\a\view%w%.%x%.%y%.%z%.txt IF EXIST c:\a\view%w%.%x%.%y%.%z%.txt GOTO :FIND :BACK del c:\a\view%w%.%x%.%y%.%z%.txt del c:\a\view%w%.%x%.%y%.%z%.bat set /a count=%count%+* If %w% EQU 255 If %x% EQU 255 If %y% EQU 255 If %z% EQU 255 (cls && echo The number of combinations is %count%) If %x% EQU 255 If %y% EQU 255 If %z% EQU 255 (Set /a w=%w%+* && Set x=0 && Set y=0 && Set z=0 && goto :*0) If %y% EQU 255 If %z% EQU 255 (Set /a x=%x%+* && Set y=0 && Set z=0 && goto :*0) If %z% EQU 255 (Set /a y=%y%+* && Set z=0 && goto :*0) set /a z=%z%+* cls GOTO :*0 :FIND FINDSTR Share c:\a\view%w%.%x%.%y%.%z%.txt If %errorlevel% EQU 0 echo %w%.%x%.%y%.%z% >> c:\SHAREIP.txt IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 type c:\a\view%w%.%x%.%y%.%z%.txt >> c:\hackme.txt GOTO :BACK
*. Run Netview.bat
2. Run Search.bat (Will give you results in the ip's you scanned w/ netview.bat)
*. Open c:\hackme.txt and c:\shareip.txt to view your results
4. Delete hackme.txt and shareip.txt before you run the scripts again unless you want to add to your results instead of start *****
Last edited by SyntaXmasteR; 10-31-2005 at 02:23 PM.
[url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/services.php]Speed Up Windows XP[/url]
[url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/ip.php]Get An Ip Address[/url]
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[URL=http://www.syntax******.info]Comming Soon[/URL]
my windows will not run it. it says that (although i saves it as .bat) it is not an operational .bat file. im stumped
i got both programs running, but i get an error message after i put the IP into netview. "Windows cannot find 'c:\a\view\', Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again. To search for a file, click the Start button, and then click Search."
oh- and please remind me- what does this program do?
thnx- stevo
~SyntaX******, what the hell are you pretending?Originally Posted by SyntaX******
everytime you come up with a shit pretending miracles .. and everytime it turns into a fiasco.
Your script (that you copied from another site) is a piece of crap, for the simple reason that you were not able to put the copied parts correctly together. You need to stop pretending man.
For once (at least) post a shit script that works.
You make me laugh~ Please post the site that i "got the script from" since i wrote it myself lol - The script works perfectly~ You might have to tweak it a little depending on your settings, but i've run it on win2k and xp and it works just fine. I appologize for Mr.Unregistereds ignorance~SyntaX******, what the hell are you pretending? Your script (that you copied from another site) is a piece of crap
Its a very basic script that scans IPs for shared folders on the computer and then it posts the results to hackme.txt and shareip.txt Hackme will contain the shared folders and shareip will just list the IPs that it found w/ shared folders.what does this program do?
Again i appologize for the last Unregistered users ignorance.
I really have no idea man. I've never seen this error windows will not run it. it says that (although i saves it as .bat) it is not an operational .bat file. im stumped
[url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/services.php]Speed Up Windows XP[/url]
[url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/ip.php]Get An Ip Address[/url]
[url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/base_converter.php]Base Converter[/url]
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[URL=http://www.syntax******.info]Comming Soon[/URL]
Ok Syntax******... question.
So you have these cool programs to find peoples IP's right? cool
Lets say i wanna find my friends IP im talking to on AIM.. how do I use your programs to find his IP? will the program just auto detect it and tell me? Do i need to make a direct connection?
Im confused
You're a fucking knobhead, lad.
And if you want a fight about it, and your post refers to me, then you'll know how to email me.
I mean, fuckinell, you're a shite anyway, but if you have an idea who I am and that post is a shitty little wind-up, let me know, and I'll blow you out of the water.
If you don't know who I am, you're still a knobhead. Get a life, shitface, or I''ll get one for you, pencil-dick.