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Thread: getting someones IP address

  1. #76
    Unregistered Guest

    Lightbulb Helpful Website

    Quote Originally Posted by Mitchelle
    OKay then hOw can i get an IP ADDRESS of a PErsOn
    IS there anyway to get the IP ????

    im facin' some problems with some " SICK" PEOPLE

    like now for example if u wanna find the ip address of this
    email id : [email]bint_al*in*[/email]

    what can be done to get the ip add ????

    Hey, i found this ok site which can give you the co-ordinates of someones ip adress!!!! here is the site tho sometime it will say unable to locate the certain ip adress:[url][/url] ok once (IF) it found it, write down or wateva the latitude and longitude co-ordinates then go to this page and type it in the decimal place ( you will see it ) it will then give u a map showing the location of that ip adress.

    P.S those two sites have ecome very useful for me

  2. #77
    Unregistered Guest

    helpful thing

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered
    Hey, i found this ok site which can give you the co-ordinates of someones ip adress!!!! here is the site tho sometime it will say unable to locate the certain ip adress:[url][/url] ok once (IF) it found it, write down or wateva the latitude and longitude co-ordinates then go to this page and type it in the decimal place ( you will see it ) it will then give u a map showing the location of that ip adress.

    P.S those two sites have ecome very useful for me
    and there ya go...

  3. #78
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    So you have these cool programs to find peoples IP's right?
    The program "May" be able to find out your friends IP addy. This is a very slight possibility b.c of all of the updates windows has launched. A few factors have to be true about your friends computer for the program i posted to work on it.

    *. They have to have their messenger service enabled.
    2. They have to have shared folders on their computer
    *. You must already know your friends computer name or a shared folder on their computer for you to identify it in the results. ISP normally list their clients IP adresses by Country and State.
    4. They cant have any firewall or router

    Ex: You know your friend has Bell South Internet. You also know he lives in Louisiana. Bellsouths IP addys look like this. HUGE Give away. You then scan a bellsouth IP range and look through the results for your friends shared folders or his computer name. The results will contain both.

    What it does in general:

    - Scans any IP range you place in the program.
    - Reports all of the venerable shared folders in the IP range
    - You can then connect to any of the shared folders you have found

    Why did i write the scripts:

    - I worked in an IT dept for a college. I wrote them to scan the entire campus of computers for viruses/spyware/P2P sharing programs/ etc

    The script does work and it is original. I wrote it for fun... nothing more~
    [url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/services.php]Speed Up Windows XP[/url]
    [url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/ip.php]Get An Ip Address[/url]
    [url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/base_converter.php]Base Converter[/url]
    [URL=******/]Old Site[/URL]
    [URL=http://www.syntax******.info]Comming Soon[/URL]

  4. #79
    Hatriq Guest

    Can I take a look at this prog/script? Syn?

    I have written a fun little windows batch script... All you have to know is the ISP of your friend, the State they live in, and either one shared folder on their computer, their computers name, or their printers name.

    Not only can you find their computer but you can also drop them a little note on their desktop and freak them out~

    If anyone would like the program leave your email here - [email][/email]

  5. #80
    Unregistered Guest

    Exclamation getting ip address from hotmail

    someone who knows my personal details has changed the password to my hotmail account so i guess i no longer own it.

    does anyone know if hotmail (the free service) strips headers

    basicallly i just want the ip address from an email supposedly sent by me so i can sort of ***** which user sent those emails


  6. #81
    Unregistered Guest

    help me?

    well i am trying to find my friends ip address but .. i cant seem to find it i tryd alot of stuff can some one give me addvise?

  7. #82
    Unregistered Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered
    I have written a fun little windows batch script... All you have to know is the ISP of your friend, the State they live in, and either one shared folder on their computer, their computers name, or their printers name.

    Not only can you find their computer but you can also drop them a little note on their desktop and freak them out~

    If anyone would like the program leave your email here -

    That sounds like a pretty little program here's my e-mail if you could send me it. [email]TBevand@**********[/email]

    Thanks a lot

    would you plez send me the program send it to [email]mart***[/email] en if ya want any other software say i c if i can get it
    thank you

  8. #83
    Unregistered Guest

    windows batch script

    i would like to get this fun windows batch script

  9. #84
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I just realised what some users were fussing about !!! Sorry about my simple mistake. I originally would manually make and delete the c:\a\ folder that the script needs to run. I quickly (too quickly) added it to the script before i posted it.

    Please make this simple correction for it to run correctly:

    echo off
    prompt ~
    IF NOT EXIST mkdir c:\a\
    IF EXIST c:\a\ del /q c:\a\*
    echo off
    prompt ~
    IF EXIST c:\a\ del /q c:\a\*
    IF NOT EXIST c:\a\ mkdir c:\a\
    My apologies!
    [url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/services.php]Speed Up Windows XP[/url]
    [url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/ip.php]Get An Ip Address[/url]
    [url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/base_converter.php]Base Converter[/url]
    [URL=******/]Old Site[/URL]
    [URL=http://www.syntax******.info]Comming Soon[/URL]

  10. #85
    blackkatnorn Guest

    send me this fun prog

  11. #86
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    The script is already posted under this topic.
    [url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/services.php]Speed Up Windows XP[/url]
    [url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/ip.php]Get An Ip Address[/url]
    [url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/base_converter.php]Base Converter[/url]
    [URL=******/]Old Site[/URL]
    [URL=http://www.syntax******.info]Comming Soon[/URL]

  12. #87
    Drummerdude Guest


    um... I have tryed to use command prompt. Telnet [hostIP] and [port] and so I was just wondering if someone could give me some tips on how to use it..

  13. #88
    Drummerdude Guest

    Cool um...

    Also how to use Whois because I have tryed.....[ net whois, degug first.exe -whois, I have tried just typing Whois in there, I have tryed net computer whois, ipconfig whois, lol Im so confused...and please dont get mad at me because im just a beginer.. thanks!

  14. #89
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Here is the syntax for telnet (I'll send a free text message). #=hard return

    telnet 25
    HELO MrFreeTextMessenger #
    mail from: [email]**[/email] #
    rcpt to: [email]**[/email] #
    data #
    subject:Free Text Messages ##(two hard returns)

    Body of message goes here #
    . (period to end mail)
    I found this posted in a forum about FoolProof Hope it helps:
    The first thing you should do is download and install FoolProof on your own home computer to become thoroughly familiar with the program. You can download it here:

    FoolProof Downloads

    You will need two codes: an unzip code, and an Install Code. Can't post them here.

    I hacked FoolProof about a year ago. It's not that hard, unless the person who installed it hardened the default settings. I used the ECHO command once to overwrite the FoolProof exe file, and it worked. But it really depends on the individual settings. You want to try and copy the settings files and install them on your own home installation of FoolProof in order to know what you're up against. These are the settings files:

    Basic Settings are located in c:\sss\local\basic.lfl
    Other settings files seem to be located in c:\sss\local\00000000.lfl
    c:\sss\local\0000000*.lfl, etc., and c:\sss\defs\resource.lfl

    Since you know the password on your own version of FoolProof you could substitute the settings files from your school's installation of FoolProof, plug them in to your own installation and open up the FoolProof control panel and see what settings are in place. And what is NOT restricted too. The trial version of FoolProof is fully-functional.

    The password file is c:\sss\local\fp.db. You might try and substitute your own password file onto your school's computer (using the password file from your own installation of FoolProof). Then you could open up FoolProof Control Panel and turn it off. Try copying it from a floppy disk (or download from your email) to c:\sss\local to see if it will let you replace it. If you just delete the password file it does you no good, since you still cannot open the FoolProof Control Panel. A message just pops up saying "Database not found."

    You can use Process Explorer to kill the two FoolProof processes:
    fpwinldr.exe *2-bit shell hook loader
    fpwldr*6.exe *6-bit shell hook loader
    The fpwldr*6.exe you may have to be patient with. It takes 40 seconds or so before it dies. Do it twice if you have to.

    But you will still need to edit c:\config.sys and delete the following line: DEVICE=C:\SSS\FOOLDRV.SYS

    Also, another powerful hack on Windows *5/*8 is using a wininit.ini file (a simple text file you can create with Notepad) to delete all the FoolProof files. You'll need to use syntax like the following:


    Save it as wininit.ini in the Windows directory. Wininit.exe executes this file before most everything else loads. It is used to delete files in use. Include the line above too, because shlhkw*6.dll is the only file I was not able to delete because it was "in use". wininit.ini will delete it on the next reboot.

    Download the Manual

    Using Process Explorer and wininit.ini and deleting pointers in special boot files like config.sys, autexec.bat, winboot.ini you can hack most all Windows *5/*8 security programs.

    Process Explorer

    FoolProof Downloads

    The syntax for the wininit.ini is as follows. One NUL line for each file to delete. Create it in Notepad and save it as wininit.ini in the windows directory. Then restart the computer.


    Kill that puppy!!

    Aaron, I sent you an email here on this system too. Check it
    [url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/services.php]Speed Up Windows XP[/url]
    [url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/ip.php]Get An Ip Address[/url]
    [url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/base_converter.php]Base Converter[/url]
    [URL=******/]Old Site[/URL]
    [URL=http://www.syntax******.info]Comming Soon[/URL]

  15. #90
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    DO you know how to create a valid log in package for a host? It says connection to host was lost ( telnet 66.**2.*54.2* 40**) Its a game..
    In command promt..
    LNOSOCKET DISSCONNECTED: CLient did not send a valid log in packet within 4 seconds

    Connection to host was lost..

    What do I do to get one of thoughs "log in packets" ?

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