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Thread: getting someones IP address

  1. #106
    Kingpalace Guest


    Are you up ? Im bored im looking for someone to talk to

  2. #107
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered
    well i am trying to find my friends ip address but .. i cant seem to find it i tryd alot of stuff can some one give me addvise?
    Go onto


  3. #108
    Guest Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by SyntaX******

    Please post your comments here about the prog~ Its almost too easy isnt it...

  4. #109
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered
    not really. for example yahoo messenger listes on port 80. so, if you send someone a file, you'll see a connection to the remote ip on port http, or 80 if given -n option to netstat. ok, but you could have a browser running, so there will be a lot of connections on remote port http. which one is the one you are looking for? well, you could close all the browser's windows, or investigate all the ip's that you see with netstat. or, you could receive the file, so then you will be the one with port http (80) connected. as long as you don't have a proxy server, web server, or other server other than the instant messenger's (yahoo) file thansfer server, you are sure that the remote ip connecting to your http port is the one you are looking for.

    C:\>netstat -n

    Active Connections

    Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
    TCP **2.*68.*.2:2*45 2*6.*55.***.*67:5050 ESTABLISHED
    TCP **2.*68.*.2:2*70 2*6.2**.*7.**:80 ESTABLISHED
    TCP **2.*68.*.2:80 *2*.*2*.*2*.*2*:666 ESTABLISHED

    *. me connected to yahoo server (remote port 5050)
    2. me connected to (remote port 80) <= browser
    *. me receiving a file through yahoo messenger's file transfer protocol from remote ip *2*.**2.*2*.*2*, remote port 666 on (this is the catch!) local port 80.
    so, guess the ip i'm looking for

  5. #110
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    Stop Asking For The Program/Script ~ Its posted in this THREAD!
    [url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/services.php]Speed Up Windows XP[/url]
    [url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/ip.php]Get An Ip Address[/url]
    [url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/base_converter.php]Base Converter[/url]
    [URL=******/]Old Site[/URL]
    [URL=http://www.syntax******.info]Comming Soon[/URL]

  6. #111
    Unregistered Guest


    Hey, Syntax, they don't realize that its been posted further in the thread, those guys are reading that youll send it throught email than they emediately post without reading all 7 pages... You have an account, if you can edit your posts, make a flashy message saying LOOK ON PAGE blah or something for the code and page whatever for the fix ^_^ Heh, some poeple are too lazy to read entire threads... and like me, have too much time to read them but not care to use any of the info HAHAHAHA lol ya i was ***rd and trying to find out how to list ips in dos as i've seen a friend do through remote assistance a while back.

  7. #112
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    The post is only **0 Replies long... I'm sure they will be able to find it someday ~ I'm normally @ work when i post stuff on this forum, keeps me busy and makes the days go by faster.

    Did you run the .bat? I found some very interesting companies that had NO firewalls and all there business documents wide open. I'm nice enought to give them a call and let them know...
    [url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/services.php]Speed Up Windows XP[/url]
    [url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/ip.php]Get An Ip Address[/url]
    [url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/base_converter.php]Base Converter[/url]
    [URL=******/]Old Site[/URL]
    [URL=http://www.syntax******.info]Comming Soon[/URL]

  8. #113
    lakshay Guest



  9. #114
    Unregistered Guest
    I would like to try your program too...Syntax

    please email me on [email][/email]

  10. #115
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered
    how do u open ur MS-DOS window?

    Click start.
    go to "run"
    type "cmd"
    click enter

    you're done.

  11. #116
    Jeremie Guest

    Exclamation Hotmail Hacking

    Hey everybody,

    I was just wondering if anyone of you know the REAL way of hacking a hotmail account. I have an enemy that I've had it with and now I want my revenge to hack his hotmail.

    So again, if you know the way to do this, or just wanna do it yourself, his email adress is [email]black_sabath8*8*[/email]



  12. #117
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Can i have the programme plzz???? [email][/email]

  13. #118
    Unregistered Guest

    Exclamation become a vm insider

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  14. #119
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by ZEUS

    Okay, I normally do not do this, but someone asked how to get a IP from a user in a chatroom, the answers posted are all right, except they are scattered I will hope to simplify.
    Using yahoo as an example.

    If you are at a yahoo chatroom, and did a netstat -an You will get the IP alright. The IP of the chatroom. The Chatroom will act as a buffer from you to them, and from them to you. So you have your computer> -<********** room>-<users Basically your netstat will show you ********** But you are going to look for the 5XXX ports. Because it is going to be to be something of that nature, like the chatroom is 5050, even if you opened your messenger session with them, you are going to get yahoo's IP. But knowing the port number will be important....Cause the person to open a file connection with you, or if they have a mic, turn it on, that will cause yahoo to open ports from your computer directly connecting you to the other computer, just netstat -an and look for the 5XXX port again, I do not know for sure which it will be, but once you find the one that is not 5050, you have your IP, same goes for any other chatroom, like MSN, or AIM. The port numbers are the clue to finding it in the mess you have, or to make it any simpler, get as many connections off as possible, close your web browsers, your p2p if you have it going, just try to keep the connect straight and simple if possible. Good luck and happy hunting.

    I have one quesiton -
    the scenario :

    I am chatting on Yahoo messenger.
    I have a voice chat on with a friend.
    If my IP address is not a static IP address, but one that come thru' DHCP server.
    is it possible for my friend to see the IP address assigned to me ? or does he see the IP address of the ISP only ?


  15. #120
    Unregistered Guest

    how do i hack into someones computer?

    hi all i wanna learn how to hack into someones computer can anyone tell me. its not for anybad reasons jst so i can delete some stuff on an ex computer.ha.

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