Originally Posted by
jow i just read yuor message about cain&able can you help me with it? there is a HTTP site i want to crack because its password protected but i dont really know how to use your program for that can yuo explain it to me? thanks
First, I didn't make Cain and Abel. I can use it, but I really can't explain it. It is one of the things that you need to play with and you will understand it. Also, Cain and Abel can't crack site passwords, it can sniff passwords in a network and if they are encrypted, it can crack them. It can't work from nothing, so you will need a valide log in password for this site. This can be easily achieved. Simply get on the unguarded network of a person who has a valide log in to the site. If you are trying to hack the site because it is your friends or somehting stupid like that, then stop trying. Unoffensively, you seem to be a n00b at sniffing for passwords, but I may be wrong. I am not trying to start a flame war, and yes I use the Counter-Strike, zero version of newb. I can tell you how to sniff passwords. This can lead to discovering e-mail, myspace (I don't have one), Xanga (Also I don't have one), and other passwords. All you do is select sniffer at the bottom of the form. Then you activate the sniffer by pressing the button at the top of the form that looks like a PCI Card (It is Green and is Next to a Radiation symbol). From there you play the waiting game until the site has had the password enetered for a login and presto you just recieved the data while the server did. You now have the site, username and password that have been sent.
If the password is unencrypted, then you are in luck. It is plain text and you can read it. If it is encrypted and it might be, you need to send it to the cracker by right clicking it and selecting "Send to Cracker". From there you need to go to the Cracker, it is another tab and from that you can select a method of breaking the password. I use a Dictonary Attack first because people are stupid and use words for their passwords. I can't spell, so when I try to use a word, it becomes a jumble of letters that I some how remeber, an example would probably look like a password hash. ex. a*68d8*6*c*7b6*d7*e7*706b76*d*6a* Anyway, after the dictonary attack, I'd use Brute Force, which uses predetermined characters in random sequences to try to break the password. This is very time consuming and that is why I delay doing this until last. Brute Force WILL always work, but takes a very long time on hard passwords.
If you have physical access to the computer that is used to log on to the site, then use a Keylogger. I don't have links, but a google search will surely be able to turn up a bunch of free onesd, some which will e-mail you the recorded keys.
Anyway, as I said before Cain and Abel needs something to work off of. It can capture this, but someone still needs to input the data that will be captured.
On a side note, Cain and Abel's cracker dosen't recognize Yahoo encryption, so don't even try using it for Yahoo because you'll just get a hash.
4* 6E 20 65 6C 65 6* 74 72 6F 6E 6* 6* 20 77 6* 72 66 6* 72 65 2C 20 74 68 65 20 77 6* 6E 6E 65 72 20 6* 7* 20 74 68 65 20 6F 6E 65 20 77 68 6F 20 62 75 6* 6C 74 20 74 68 65 20 45 4D 50 2E
Translation = "In electronic warfare, the winner is the one who built the EMP."