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Thread: proxy I can use?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    May 2001

    Nulland Void's persistent grc/proxy problem...

    "As I mentioned in one of the above posts, nothing gets in my tweaked cache (I use Nav, remember?).

    However, just to get that cache issue out of the way, and because I respect your opinion, I did what you said."

    I'll bet you didn't close your browser, start new browser THEN go to grc and test anon proxy in new browser.

    "I really wish someone else would try it out, just to see."

    I did and can repeat your problem. When you first "Test My Shields!" grc remembers that IP for additional tests (proxy or no proxy), maybe with enviornmental variable UNIQUE_ID. Looks like a grc bug. So, to test from another IP, i.e. your anon proxy, you need to test in browser with no previous grc history.

    "Hey wait a minute! I just noticed that the ShieldsUp test site is https.

    Might that mean something???"

    As I mentioned earlier in this thread (remember?):

    "ShieldsUp initial page is a https (SSL) connection. Your proxy must support https for it to work. One way to test proxy https support is to attempt connect to https URL like [url][/url] "

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Did exactly as thou hast commanded, my ******...

    Real IP # still shows up.

    (BTW, saw u at ddis)
    Openly covert.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    May 2001


    Nulland Void:
    "Did exactly as thou hast commanded, my ******... "

    I'll hunt for my crown.

    "Real IP # still shows up."

    Well, I'm outa ideas. I can get grc to remember my true IP when using proxy but I'm using MSIE 5.5, Win*8. Solution mentioned above works for me. Maybe it's some setting in Navigator. Of course you have Java and scripting disabled and are using anon proxy. If you solve this enigma I'd sure like to know the answer.

    "(BTW, saw u at ddis)"

    The Internet is a big marvelous place, I get around cyberspace a bit.

    Good luck...

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    My deepest gratitude for your kind efforts, Blacksheep.

    I know that one is a real brain-mangler, but by gosh and by golly, I will find and solve the problem, and when I do I'll post it.

    Probably won't help anybody though 'coz these bizzaro problems seem to happen to me only.

    I'll email good ol' Stevie and ask him why his ShieldsUp test is making my life miserable.

    Thanks again Blacksheep. Your the top.
    Openly covert.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2001

    Smile I read the threads!

    I logged on earlier, to ask why could always determine my true IP. None of the other checkers, including GRC, that I have tried, could detect it when I was using a good anonymous proxy server.

    I started Multiproxy, inserted two good proxys, got out of Netscape 6.* and then restarted the browser and went straight to

    This was the first time they were unable to determine my true IP.

    Thanks, Guys!

  6. #21
    Join Date
    May 2001
    218 read the threads!

    I'm glad someone got some good from this thread altho I'm surprised that GRC Shields Up! didn't remember your true IP when you test with no proxy then test with anon proxy in same browser.

    For all readers...
    [url][/url] question for anyone:

    I've got ActiveX, Java, scripting disabled and am using A4Proxy to modify http requests, i.e.:

    Accept-Language: en
    Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*
    User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0

    If I use A4Proxy in direct mode (connect from my true IP), [url][/url] still gets this info on my browser, OS, apps:

    "Your Browser Is: Internet Explorer

    Your Operating System is: Windows *8

    You can recognize the following file types through your browser:
    application/, application/msword, application/, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*" traffic in on ports 80, 44*

    My question is; How are they getting this info on me?

    BTW, it seems anonymizer uses UNIX traceroute from 6*.2*5.252.50 This would look like a port scan if one is behind firewall.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Hi guys (gals?),

    In an answer from another forum, the GRC "https" situation (mentioned above) was identified as being the culprit, but unfortunately that point was not elaborated upon.

    So I'm still a bit in the dark about the problem.

    Hope to have an answer soon.

    (Also, I've emailled GRC, but no replies yet)
    Openly covert.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    May 2001


    Thanks Nulland Void,

    Don't hold your breath while waiting for a reply from GRC.

    Hmm... uses https connection also. Need more input... any TCP/IP gurus out there?

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Don't know the answer either.

    But if you manage to find a good proxy (only SOCKS proxies qualify in my experience) that Still Listener calls "AnonyLevel *" and your proxy "precious," you're damn-well impenetrable :-)

    Check your proxy with the usual stuff disabled:


  10. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2001

    I beat it once, but have not been able to duplicate the feat. I've tried proxys from Malaysia, Morocco, Thailand, Turkey that fool GRC, nettools, the Russian guy and every other proxy checker I can find. Snoop still pops the IP. It can't seem to do the tracert, though. It just times out and stops. The others trace to the proxy's home.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2001

    Smile Stillistener

    With my present setup (Proxomitron and a really good proxy) I am able to get Anony * and
    proxy "precious". The proxy came from their site.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Have read this thread from a/z & recall the frustration I went trough many months ago. How ever, I over came the problem ref. IP# show.
    This is basicall the recipe I now use & it works :-)
    */ get rid of all that gratuitious stuff Uncle Bill leaves on IE.
    Go to tools, then internet options, then security. Click on internet then custom level and scroll down to Microsoft VM/Java permissions. Check the custom box then click on the Java Custom Settings button which will appear at the bottom of the window. Go to edit permissions and disable the run unsigned content box
    Cookies » out etc:

    2/ Go this URL & down load JAP (java anon proxy) [url][/url]
    down load a hard copy of FAQ & any othr help files to assist you.
    You probably will also need to down load Java 2 Runtime enviroment from the above site in order JAP works.

    */ Spend a little time cramming the FAQ & help files

    4/ Install JAP + JRE

    5/ No more pop ups, IP#, etc: etc:

    You might also try to make A4Proxy work properly :-) it is my standby. When JAP goes down I revert to A4 & by the way. A4 has a whole host of paramiters you can alter to cloak your true IP# as has been s***ested by 'blacksheep'

    Enjoy & hope this helps & if it works, use it with prudence ;-)

  13. #28
    Join Date
    May 2001

    HTTPS environment variables /

    Welcome to the forum Patrick.

    I found a HTTPS environment variable checker: [url][/url]

    This URL was dead yesterday but working today. Don't think it lists all variables.

    ~~~P.S. Found another: [url][/url]

    Looks like [url][/url] gets browser, OS, prog info with HTTPS environment variables. Don't think much can be done about it. A4Proxy and probably other progs can't "see" or modify encrypted transmissions between browser and Web sites. Too bad.

    ~~~ P.P.S: I forgot to give ****** to Nulland Void for first pointing out that snoop problem was maybe https. So, kudos Nulland Void, and my apologies.

    Snoop and Magus do not get my true IP with good anon proxy in A4Proxy. Both were working at the time of this post but both have been dead over the last few days.

    If you are behind a firewall it may take snoop awhile to finish what appears to be a Unix traceroute.
    Last edited by Blacksheep; 12-03-2001 at 09:45 AM.

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    No problems, Blacksheep.

    This HTTPS situation is a brain-wrencher.

    BTW, I did get an answer from GRC, but nothing very informative. In fact, from the tone of their reply, they seemed a bit touchy about it.

    So I'm still investigating..
    Openly covert.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    May 2001

    HTTPS environment variables

    Nulland Void:

    "This HTTPS situation is a brain-wrencher."

    The way I understand it is https connection is SSL encrypted connection between browser and Web site so https headers can't be modified since they're encrypted. https can get one's browser, OS, language, etc. but, if one uses good anon proxy, https environment variables won't get one's true IP.

    "BTW, I did get an answer from GRC, but nothing very informative. In fact, from the tone of their reply, they seemed a bit touchy about it."

    Maybe grc writer didn't know the answers to your questions.;-)

    "So I'm still investigating.."

    Last edited by Blacksheep; 12-04-2001 at 01:47 PM.

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