i need help my friends email has been hacked the person was payed to do it they r usin her chat sites an her website i need to access her email to find out wats goin on an wat i can do bout it??? please HELP
i need help my friends email has been hacked the person was payed to do it they r usin her chat sites an her website i need to access her email to find out wats goin on an wat i can do bout it??? please HELP
Hi everyone,
Am glad to see this thread as i had and still have some questions i need to ask regarding IP addresses and tracing them. Am currently running MSN messenger and Yahoo messenger on my machine. What i would like to know is running them simultaneously, can someone see the same IP address for both programs and if so how? I am running on a wireless network and would like to remain anonymous whilst using both programs at the same time. Also how effective are IP scrambling programs and in what manner do they work?
Last edited by beechgal; 05-02-2007 at 06:15 AM.
Not without getting you to directly connect to them (direct file transfer) or taking an action to give them your IP address (e.g. visiting their site).
I don't really understand how using them both at the same time is relevant. They both operate individually.I am running on a wireless network and would like to remain anonymous whilst using both programs at the same time.
They don't; it's either proxy or no proxy. Computers need IP addresses to communicate with each other.Also how effective are IP scrambling programs and in what manner do they work?
ok there is this queer that it being a total ass. I really wanna teach him a lesson. how can i convince him to msn message me. and then once i get his ip how can i hack into his computer???
i cant wait to teach this punk bitch a lesson.
Is it possible to "steal" someone's IP address, and then post on message ***rds with it? (Kind of like an identity theft thing) If so, how would someone go about doing this, and how can you prevent it, or at least prove that someone else is causing the trouble and not you?
I don't know too much about IP addresses, so forgive my ignorance on the subject. I'm just asking because someone I know, is being wrongly accused of making some vicious posts, and the alleged "proof" is that the IP addresses match. (Yes, I realize the possibility that maybe this person actually did make the posts themselves, but I've known this person for years, and troublemaker they are not).
Any help on the matter is appreciated.
No, it's not possible to impersonate IP addresses in the way you're talking about (without great difficulty). I think I discussed this here:
You can send packets originating from any IP address, but in order to establish any sort of connection you need to have control of the victim's IP address. This could be achieved by performing a DoS attack on them and sending packets blindly, or you could even install a proxy or RAT on their machine and route your connection through that.
It is likely that this person did in fact make those posts. IP spoofing is beyond all but programming experts, and it's unlikely that they are being controlled with a proxy or RAT.
Last edited by Ezekiel; 05-17-2007 at 04:02 AM.
When you get someone's IP address - what exactly can you do with it?
Tiscali is the worst ISP ever.
Not much really, unless the person is port forwarding. That's why I think this thread is a waste of time. I'll give this thread another page or two before I lock it.
If you're on their network, you can send them annoying messages via net send, you can sometimes browse their shared documents and if they're running a really old OS, you might be able to root their box.
If you're talking about someone over the Internet with a router, there's not much you can do besides finding their ISP, slowing their net access to a crawl with a DDoS attack and exploiting and services they forward ports for. It's not like you can explode their hard drive or anything .
Besides most of all ISP give to their users dynamic IPīs, so if someone turn off his router, the next time he conects to internet, his IP adress will change, making this thred another waste of time for someone to read it. Please excuse my english, im am not really good
Please if someone can help me how to get unbanned from the below webiste or message or how can i get there IP address to play with them. thanks,
HTTP_CONNECTION:Keep-Alive HTTP_PRAGMA:no-cache HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH:*6 HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE:application/x-www-form-urlencoded HTTP_ACCEPT:image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/vnd.ms-excel, application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, application/msword, */* HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING:gzip, deflate HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE:en-gb HTTP_COOKIE:__utma=**55**2**.*60*677*45.**80*5*704.**80*68*60.**80*70204.*; __utmb=**55**2**; __utmz=**55**2**.**80*5687*.2.2.utmccn=(organic)|utmcsr=google|utmctr=banned+from+vivakurdistan|utmc md=organic; __utmc=**55**2**; ASPSESSIONIDAQCBBQBQ=LLJCKKKBIMFHELEIOAADFGKA HTTP_HOST:[url]www.vivakurdistan.com[/url] HTTP_REFERER:[url]http://www.vivakurdistan.com/default.asp?p=register&lang=EN[/url] HTTP_USER_AGENT:Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.*; SV*; .NET CLR *.*.4*22) HTTP_X_BLUECOAT_VIA:0DC2*EDB26FB0*AC
If we have made a mistake please send your comment to [email]likeigiveashit@kisskurdistanass.com[/email]
People have been leaving unwanted messages on mine and my mates site on Piczo, I have got the IP code but how can i trace the person through their I code??
I think you should delete your cookies, and then go back. If that doesn't work, then use a proxy.
All that information is just your HTTP headers, which any site can easily find. Don't worry, nothing can happen with that.